PhD Course: Emerging networking paradigms for 5G/6G systems

Published June 6, 2024 - 09:52

Future telecommunication networks will definitely be the key enablers for emerging critical services such as autonomous driving, smart industry, AR/VR, and remote medicine, that require low latency and high reliability, along with massive connectivity and data availability. In view of this, they will have to evolve and overcome their current limits. This course aims precisely to present new network paradigms being defined for future 5G and 6G telecommunications systems. Advanced technological solutions will be presented that support the creation of: edge-device software platforms that are modular, open, and scalable, and able to meet the requirements of novel emerging services; open software frameworks for network data plane and control plane programmability; programmable access networks leveraging virtualization and flexible (re-)configuration; and breakthrough algorithmic solutions for network resource orchestration.
At the end of this course, students will be able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired for solving problems related to the design, implementation, and management of 5G/6G network architectures based on the new virtualization paradigms in order to guarantee a more adequate response to user requests.

Seminar room - 5th floor, cube 42C

20/06/2024  (09:00-13:00)

team code:  rnzjupo

8h 2CFU

Antonio Iera