Research Topic
Protocol Development for Pervasive Distributed Communication Environments implementing Smart Antenna Systems and low energy/cost devices
Research Abstract
Most recent Studies and Researches in IT are bringing to an increasing development of Pervasive Communication Environments Systems such as MANET and Sensor Networks that assumed great importance, since 802.1X development IEEE Standards, due to their features based on nodes mobility and power consumption that lead to the rise of several protocols which implements different designs about routing algorithms and Q.O.S. specifications. Conventionally, these kinds of network environments are equipped in their physical layer with Isotropic and Omnidirectional Antennas Systems, that lead to a radiation pattern with a constant gain in all TX/RX directions so it results in a non-directive behavior of nodes. In this context there are lots drawbacks that heavily affect and reduce protocols efficiency and SINR such as: communication reliability, latency, scalability, power and energy consumption. For example, using an isotropic antenna in nodes, without position knowing mechanism (i.e. GPS), bring to a notable waste of consumption energy due to the non-directive behavior because the same power is transmitted/received in all directions. To overlapping this drawback are developed in last years the so called Smart Antenna Systems that usually consists of several directive radiation elements implementing adaptive algorithms for the estimation of D.O.A. and S.O.I.; for this purpose are employed beamforming techniques that are largely used in Radar Communication Systems and Phased Array Systems. The resulted radiation pattern generates a beam that should be electronically controlled, and the main beam should be pointed towards the direction of interest in communication transmission/reception. The beam is generated according an adaptive algorithm (i.e. LMS) that models the weight vector as Smart Antenna input System. Beamforming techniques take lots advantages in medium access control, effectively, employing of SDMA allows a great efficiency protocol growth. The purpose of my research project is the development and optimization of existent protocols using smart antenna systems for MANET and Sensor Networks (i.e. GRP, Pulse Tune Exchange, DSRSA) in order to produce an hybrid protocol that should guarantee good coverage , great routing mechanism, energy consumption minimization , very high troughput and contained delay and network overhead as a function of mobility nodes.